Diary Of A Reborn Truth Fairy: The Podcast
This post is the transcribed version of the original audio podcast. This is indented for those who would rather read and for those who may be hearing impaired.
A mix of anger, and the truth. Hmm…Well, that changed me forever.
Welcome everybody, welcome to Diary Of A Reborn Truth Fairy. I’m your host Liz and I am so soo happy to have you here!
I am so excited that we are starting the very first entry of Diary Of A Reborn Truth Fairy. Again I am your host Liz and uh it feels so good to know that you guys are listening to this right now and in this moment because let me tell you guys. Oh my god I have been struggling. I have been struggling with the fact that I’m like, how do I explain who Liz is?
I mean if you think about it, how in the world do you put together all of the words, all of the stories, all of the events that’s molded you into this person that you are today?
And present it in the fashion like ok here you go…
This is Liz.
And I feel like I just don’t have enough time to do all of that. There’s so much to me. There’s too much to tell. But what are the most important parts? And what I can say to me that’s the most important is that I am truly grateful for everything that has impacted me both negatively and positively. But I’ll tell you, I haven’t always been this positive about those negative things that molded me. Because I feel like at one point I was like so, so so so angry. And I’m not saying that I’m not angry anymore because I still am. I’m saying that I’ve been able to manage that anger better. I’ve been able to really put together some of the pieces that were off in my life.
And the moment that I became angry with what was going on is when really everything changed for me.
You know I’m not talking like angry like yelling, fighting and screaming, no no no. I’m talking about anger from an emotional standpoint. I had to really ask myself how much more was I going to allow from toxic family and friend relationships. I mean really my very own self talk and the memories of hurt that I was like seriously just drowning myself in. I just remember feeling so over it. Like over everything, over life, over all the crap that was happening and saying what can I do different? What can I change? And then I realized if I don’t change it, really nothing else is going to change. And to be honest healing and therapy hasn’t been easy because it’s like it’s so full of suppressed memories, crying, finding out the truth, and really discovering that all the bullshit that was told to you and all the bullshit that you believed because of those things that was told to you was all a lie. And that right there is just like what brings out the anger. And you’re like oh my god why did this happen to me. But really it’s not about why it’s about how you’re going to get past it. Because really we can’t control what’s already happened. Right?
I know that seems hard and I had a hard time really understanding what that meant. I always was feeling like I needed to figure out why did those things happen to me. And who I can I get, and who can I talk to about it. What good is it going to do? It’s already been done. But I’ll tell you that healing has been the most life changing experience of my life. And it’s really made me love some things about me that I thought were you know even bad or wrong. Like loving that I am a sensitive person. You know I was always told “you’re so sensitive”. And it was always said to me in a bad way. But now I know that being sensitive isn't bad. It just shows me that I have feelings and a deep deep connection to the things that I love and what I’m feeling.
So therapy has really been that really big impact in my journey.
I’m going to share with you guys my favorite thing to do every day and I’m going to say that I can not thank my therapist enough for sharing this with me. So I struggle with some self confidence and he said to me in one of my sessions Liz today right now, here right now I want you to write down in a book or a journal one thing that you love about yourself and do it everyday. Now I’m not going to lie, I do not do it everyday but I do it! And it’s impacting and showing me that I AM a beautiful woman, not only on the inside because the inside is the most important. But on the outside as well. And I’m grateful for that because it’s really showing in my day to day life. Yesterday I believe it was which was Friday for me or Saturday can’t remember which. But I made an Instagram post asking others to write down one thing that they loved about themselves today and I wrote that I loved my smile. And my smile is actually one of the things that I am very self conscious about. And I don't want to get I don’t want to get emotional, because there are things that as a woman, and if you are a woman you know that there are things about yourself that you wish that you could change. And my smile is one of them. But I realize that that’s not something that’s ugly. It may be imperfect. But it’s me, and I’m beautiful and I think that I have a beautiful smile. Alright enough with the damn tears ya'll enough with the tears. But anyway I’m just. Oh geez alright, let me get these tears out of here…alright... Stop it.
So, actually you know what right here right now stop what you are doing to those of you who are listening/reading and I want you to grab a pen and a paper. Grab a pen or your journal or open your notepad in your phone right here and I want you to write down one thing that you love about yourself today. Just one thing. (Please share with me down below in the comments what you wrote down. I would love to know.) 📝🖤
Just one thing. And I’m going to give you guys a few seconds to write it down and I’m going to tell you guys I’m actually working on a journal and I can’t wait to release it. I’m so excited ahhh If you could see my face I have this big smile on my face right now. So I’m going to release it in the next few weeks, I’m not exactly sure because I’m still working on it. It’s going to have some easy things to do in it. It’s not going to be too strenuous, it's not going to take too much time out of the day because I know a lot of us have busy lives. But it’s going to have a space for you to give gratitude, space for you to journal your thoughts or your feelings and a lot of other exciting things that will be in the journal that I’m not going to release too much details but you’ll see. So make sure you guys be on the lookout for that. You can find me all my socials on my page. You can type in direct.me/thetruthfairy. Or find it right here on this website.
Anyway back to what you have written down, I want you to get yourself in a mirror, look at that beautiful face, and say out loud what you wrote. Say it, go ahead say it. *deep sigh* it feels so good doesn’t it? It’s weird but it feels so good right? I want you to start making the commitment to love yourself more. Whatever that looks like for you, do it, and do it with all of your heart. Ya’ll! Do it. Commit to it!
It’s time to connect with our higher selves!
I’d love to know if any of you have a routine for yourself gratitude and if so, what does that look like for you. And those of you who are in therapy, how has therapy been for you? I’d love to know, you guys can shoot me a message on Instagram or down below and give me some details. I would really love to know how things are progressing for you in your life because it’s really nice to share to be able to share with others who are rooting for you. i'm rooting for al of us! ❤️🥰
All in all I’m just a woman whose really just trying to discover all of my magical powers that I possess all physically, mentally, and emotionally. And just really become a better person not only for those around me, and who are in my life and really just to be a better person for me. As you guys follow me on this platform you’ll discover and you know really get to deep dive into my life and it’s beautiful and not so beautiful moments that’s really impacted me. And I’m so excited to be able to share those things with you. And yeah so, I do want to say that if I happen to mention your name and you know me personally in any of my stories, just know that none of this is coming from out of a malice heart. This is all just a place of growth for me and it’s my truth to tell. So I don’t want anybody to be upset with me or offended or any of that. It’s again, it’s just *chuckles* it’s just my truth.
So I’m going to leave you here for now with lots of love and fairy dust til next time and thank you for reading.
🖊️Signed, The Truth Fairy